Bobby Seale



Robert George "Bobby" Seale, né le 22 octobre 1936 à Dallas, Texas, est un militant politique américain qui, avec Huey P. Newton, a fondé le Black Panther Party en 1966.

Jeune1, il fut membre du Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM), qui, confronté à la répression, entra dans la clandestinité en 1963. Il critiquait cependant la stratégie du groupe, qui préférait que la structure hiérarchique demeure clandestine afin de préserver des possibilités de lutte armée.

En 1966, il crée le Black Panther Party.

En 1968, il est inculpé avec les Chicago Seven à la suite des émeutes de Chicago, lors de la Convention démocrate de 1968. Le procès commença le 20 mars 19695. Pendant le procès, Bobby Seale se levait et interpellait le juge en disant "objection!" chaque fois que son nom était mentionné, son avocat n'étant pas présent pour le défendre. Bobby plaidait qu'on lui refusait son droit constitutionnel à se défendre, ce qui lui valut d'être condamné pour outrage, menotté à sa chaise et bâillonné au tribunal.

En 1973, Bobby Seale se présente pour le Black Panther Party à la mairie d'Oakland (Californie), se concentrant sur les services sociaux et la politisation de la communauté noire. Il obtient 19,26 % des voix et est qualifié pour le second tour, où il échoue cependant.

En 2002, Bobby Seale a commencé à se consacrer au groupe "Reach!" qui s'occupe de programmes d'éducations pour les jeunes.


Robert George "Bobby" Seale, born October 22, 1936 in Dallas, Texas, is an American political activist who, with Huey P. Newton, founded the Black Panther Party in 1966.

Young1, he was a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM), which, faced with repression, went underground in 1963. However, he criticized the strategy of the group, which preferred that the hierarchical structure remain underground in order to preserve the possibilities of struggle. army.

In 1966, he created the Black Panther Party.

In 1968, he was charged with the Chicago Seven following the Chicago riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention. The trial began on March 20, 19695. During the trial, Bobby Seale stood up and challenged the judge saying "objection !" whenever his name was mentioned, his lawyer not being present to defend him. Bobby argued that he was being denied his constitutional right to defend himself, which resulted in him being found in contempt, handcuffed to his chair and gagged in court.

In 1973, Bobby Seale ran for the Black Panther Party for mayor of Oakland, California, focusing on social services and the politicization of the black community. He obtains 19.26% of the votes and is qualified for the second round, where he fails however.

In 2002, Bobby Seale began to devote himself to the group "Reach!" which deals with educational programs for young people.
